Do you want to see an official Australian Ubuntu LoCo?

Dave Hall dave.hall at
Fri May 14 10:57:37 BST 2010

On Fri, 2010-05-14 at 14:24 +0930, Robert Farrar wrote:

> > Do you want to see an official Australian Ubuntu LoCo?
> >
> > yes or no?
> >
> > (yes from me)

Probably. I think a lot of the work can be done without an official
loco.  At the same time the official status is important for some

> Yes there should be.
> Why do people not want one ?

That question should be directed at those who undermined the

The decent and honest thing to do would have been to CCed the list their
correspondence with the LoCo council, just as Melissa did.  I have real
concerns about working with people who can't be up front and honest.



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