ASCCA Conference - 8th - 9th September 2010

Tony Addis tonyaddis at
Mon May 10 23:00:34 BST 2010

Hi Ferdinand,

Thanks for the update if I can help in anyway from up here let me know.



On 10 May 2010 18:27, Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at> wrote:

> Dear Tony,
> currently it's just me, who is looking for this event, as soon we got all
> the information in regard to the conference I will contact the community and
> see how we can do it best.
> regards
> Ferdinand
> -----Original Message-----
> *From*: Tony Addis <tonyaddis at<Tony%20Addis%20%3ctonyaddis at>
> >
> *To*: Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at<Ferdinand%20Lehnard%20%3cferdinand.lehnard at>
> >
> *Cc*: mitch.towner.ubuntu at, ubuntu-au at
> *Subject*: Re: ASCCA Conference - 8th - 9th September 2010
> *Date*: Fri, 7 May 2010 11:15:06 +1000
> Hi Ferdinand,
> I'm very pleased that you are following this up with the support of some of
> the Sydney linux community.  I too think it will be a great opportunity to
> present Ubuntu to a larger group, however regarding support the forums will
> not always be enough.  We are talking about seniors most of whom will have
> varying levels of experience with Windows.  They will be strictly GUI users
> and used to an environment where if they have a problem they can get a
> serviceman in.  Once they have Ubuntu up & running with all of their
> favorite programs they will mostly be ok; but there will be times where they
> need a person.  Sometimes the help will be needed with a non linux issue[
> i.e. printer or modem or router issues], but they will not understand that
> and the local Windows service man will sort them out by steering them back
> to Windows where he can make his profits.  As president of a seniors
> computer club I am speaking from experience.  We will be introducing Lucid
> here soon and I have the promise of support from GLUC otherwise it would not
> be happening.  I am a keen Ubuntu user and can provide first call support
> but that is all.
> Regards,
> Tony
> On 5 May 2010 20:48, Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at> wrote:
> Dear Tony,
> thank once again for the information provided. Sorry, for the late reply,
> but the business.... I share the opinion of Mitch that it will be a great
> opportunity to present Ubuntu to a larger group. As Melissa wrote in here
> reply to the LoCo Council there are not many occasions to present to a wider
> public. It's really worth to take the challenge and inform the people about
> the advantages of Ubuntu Linux and the open-source idea. With the variety of
> programs you can find in the repositories of Ubuntu, it will be a real
> alternative to proprietary software for a number of users.
> As you may be know, the Ubuntu community is a volunteer based organisation.
> The people joining this community are for sure not less professional in
> their job than  Mr. Microsoft, Mrs. NEC, Mr. Goggle or other guys. I do not
> know how many of us have a sales and/or marketing background and would be
> able to compete against the drilled and trimmed sales and marketing prof's
> from the opponents camp, but it's worth to take the chance.
> Let me contact the organiser first, to see whether there is space a) for a
> presentation b) for a stand and if yes, under which conditions. According to
> my knowledge, conference organisers are usually looking for sponsorship for
> the provision of some space for the stand and time for lecture.
> After knowing the detailed conditions we, the community have to talk in
> regard of the participation. In my opinion there are a number of options in
> terms of presentation.
> In regard to support and backup to interested people I am certain that this
> service can be offered by the community. The Ubuntu community maintain a
> number of forums, where people find support on different levels.
> best regards
> Ferdinand
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