Thai language in Ubuntu 10.4

Daniel Sobey dns_server at
Sat May 8 09:39:15 BST 2010

On Sat, 2010-05-08 at 04:36 +0700, Robert Parker wrote: 
> Folks,
> I would like to be able to switch between Thai and English in the
> system menus if that is possible. I have no problems switching between
> Thai and English in the different applications.
> Clues anyone?
> Bob
> -- 
> Politician: That which will happily sacrifice your interests including
> your life if need be in pursuit of its pipe dreams.

So you have installed the thai language?
system > administration > lanuguage support ?

When you login you can select your desktop session and language so it
should change the language for everything there.

Please tell me if this is not the case, i only use English so i have not
tested it.

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