ASCCA Conference - 8th - 9th September 2010
Tony Addis
tonyaddis at
Fri May 7 02:15:06 BST 2010
Hi Ferdinand,
I'm very pleased that you are following this up with the support of some of
the Sydney linux community. I too think it will be a great opportunity to
present Ubuntu to a larger group, however regarding support the forums will
not always be enough. We are talking about seniors most of whom will have
varying levels of experience with Windows. They will be strictly GUI users
and used to an environment where if they have a problem they can get a
serviceman in. Once they have Ubuntu up & running with all of their
favorite programs they will mostly be ok; but there will be times where they
need a person. Sometimes the help will be needed with a non linux issue[
i.e. printer or modem or router issues], but they will not understand that
and the local Windows service man will sort them out by steering them back
to Windows where he can make his profits. As president of a seniors
computer club I am speaking from experience. We will be introducing Lucid
here soon and I have the promise of support from GLUC otherwise it would not
be happening. I am a keen Ubuntu user and can provide first call support
but that is all.
On 5 May 2010 20:48, Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at> wrote:
> Dear Tony,
> thank once again for the information provided. Sorry, for the late reply,
> but the business.... I share the opinion of Mitch that it will be a great
> opportunity to present Ubuntu to a larger group. As Melissa wrote in here
> reply to the LoCo Council there are not many occasions to present to a wider
> public. It's really worth to take the challenge and inform the people about
> the advantages of Ubuntu Linux and the open-source idea. With the variety of
> programs you can find in the repositories of Ubuntu, it will be a real
> alternative to proprietary software for a number of users.
> As you may be know, the Ubuntu community is a volunteer based organisation.
> The people joining this community are for sure not less professional in
> their job than Mr. Microsoft, Mrs. NEC, Mr. Goggle or other guys. I do not
> know how many of us have a sales and/or marketing background and would be
> able to compete against the drilled and trimmed sales and marketing prof's
> from the opponents camp, but it's worth to take the chance.
> Let me contact the organiser first, to see whether there is space a) for a
> presentation b) for a stand and if yes, under which conditions. According to
> my knowledge, conference organisers are usually looking for sponsorship for
> the provision of some space for the stand and time for lecture.
> After knowing the detailed conditions we, the community have to talk in
> regard of the participation. In my opinion there are a number of options in
> terms of presentation.
> In regard to support and backup to interested people I am certain that this
> service can be offered by the community. The Ubuntu community maintain a
> number of forums, where people find support on different levels.
> best regards
> Ferdinand
> -----Original Message-----
> *From*: Tony Addis <tonyaddis at<Tony%20Addis%20%3ctonyaddis at>
> >
> *To*: Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at<Ferdinand%20Lehnard%20%3cferdinand.lehnard at>
> >
> *Cc*: ubuntu-au at
> *Subject*: Re: ASCCA Conference - 8th - 9th September 2010
> *Date*: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:32:29 +1000
> Hi Ferdinand,
> At last year's conference speakers included: 'The Gadget Man' and
> professional type presenters from Microsoft, Apple, Google and NEC with
> their 'Broadband for Seniors' programme. Linux Australia would have to be
> able to offer a presentation of equal or better quality to make an impact.
> If Linux Australia have that capability and are interested I suggest they
> contact the ASCCA organizers to see if there was an opportunity in the
> program for such a presentation.
> Another alternative would be to have a Linux stand there. Apparently this
> has been done at an education conference somewhere but I am unaware of the
> details. Whatever is done should be professional and should include
> provision for back up to any interested people.
> Regards,
> Tony
> On 24 April 2010 14:18, Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at>
> wrote:
> Dear Tony,
> thank you very much for the background. Well I am located in the North West
> of Sydney and would be able to give after hour or on the weekend support and
> help in terms of installation and getting things running. That means if
> there is a local Club associated with the ASCCA, he is always welcome to
> contact me in this regard.
> I am not a professional in regard to IT or Computer Technology. In a
> previous life I was for some time working in programming and project
> engineering. Computing is just getting a hobby of mine not to get rusty.
> Coming back to the meeting. As written, I will be able to prepare a
> presentation, but I am not certain whether I am available personally for the
> presentation. For that reason I will ask people on the list whether some of
> them has time and how we can get together.
> Keep in contact
> Ferdinand
> -----Original Message-----
> *From*: Tony Addis <tonyaddis at<Tony%20Addis%20%3ctonyaddis at>
> >
> *To*: Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at<Ferdinand%20Lehnard%20%3cferdinand.lehnard at>
> >
> *Subject*: Re: ASCCA Conference - 8th - 9th September 2010
> *Date*: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:14:31 +1000
> Hi Ferdinand,
> I originally sent Mich the email which started this discussion, and while
> grateful for Mitch's regard for my privacy, do not mind my name being
> mentioned in these emails. I am a member of a computer club in a retirement
> village on the Gold Coast and our club is a member club of ASCCA. I
> attended the ASCCA conference last year and it was excellent except there
> was no advocacy for Linux. I will be going to the conference again this
> year with some of my colleagues but as a newbie, am not in a position to
> deliver a presentation.
> You are correct in assuming that elderly people with tight budgets would
> welcome Linux and Open Source software; a] if they knew about them b] if
> they had confidence in them and c] if they could be assured of backup in the
> event there was a modem or wifi malfunction or some other technical
> problem. We will be introducing Ubuntu 10.04 to our club when it is
> available in the knowledge that we have support from our local LUG.
> I am sure that other ASCCA clubs would also begin to use Ubuntu if the
> conditions a, b, and c above were met and I don't believe there would be any
> objection from ASCCA.
> What Linux Australia faces here is a great opportunity to promote Linux and
> in particular the Ubuntu distro. A target market of over 100 clubs
> representing thousands of computer users knowing nothing about Linux!
> Regards,
> Tony
> On 22 April 2010 23:34, Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at>
> wrote:
> Dear Andre,
> thanks for the info. You should think that especially elderly people with
> tight budgets will welcome alternatives who offer them a variety of
> possibilities in terms of computing - but as you wrote they are all biased
> against "free", Linux, open.... Over the the last 20 years they got
> sprinkled with the word "Microsoft" either on workplace or later at home -
> since Windows 3.0 was coming into the market. There were better systems
> earlier in the market, i. e. DR-DOS, the AmigaOS based on C and Assembler,
> all forgotten.
> Is there someone planning to go for that meeting? If yes, let me know, I
> like to give you support in preparation of the presentation and may be also
> personal support during the meeting. I can't say right now, yes I am coming,
> or no I am coming not, because for the time being I am not sure whether I am
> available - it's in the mid of the week. I just have some time on weekends.
> Ferdinand
> -----Original Message-----
> *From*: Andre Mangan <andremangan at<Andre%20Mangan%20%3candremangan at>
> >
> *To*: Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at<Ferdinand%20Lehnard%20%3cferdinand.lehnard at>
> >
> *Cc*: Chris Martin <chris at<Chris%20Martin%20%3cchris at>>,
> ubuntu-au at
> *Subject*: Re: ASCCA Conference - 8th - 9th September 2010
> *Date*: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 08:27:32 +1000
> Thank you for that information Ferdinand.
> A further few comments about ASCCA and its affiliated clubs - a quick look
> through what computer training individual clubs offer - I found one that
> offers an introduction to Ubuntu ( as
> well as one that teaches Mac. It is likely that there are more. Most of
> them are hopelessly entrenched in Windows although Firefox is recommended as
> a browser.
> Andre
> On 21 April 2010 07:35, Ferdinand Lehnard <ferdinand.lehnard at>
> wrote:
> Dear All,
> the announcement is in their newsletter vol. 12 from February 2010 and is
> indeed held in the Power House Museum. Newsletter attached
> regards
> Ferdinand
> -----Original Message-----
> *From*: Andre Mangan <andremangan at<Andre%20Mangan%20%3candremangan at>
> >
> *To*: Chris Martin <chris at<Chris%20Martin%20%3cchris at>
> >
> *Cc*: ubuntu-au at
> *Subject*: Re: ASCCA Conference - 8th - 9th September 2010
> *Date*: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:06:43 +1000
> Chris, there is nothing on the ASCCA website yet about the coming
> conference.
> In the past it has been held at the Power House Museum in Sydney. Date:
> 8th and 9th September, 2010.
> It may be better to contact ASCCA directly:
> Andre
> On 20 April 2010 10:18, Chris Martin <chris at> wrote:
> Mitch. Can you let us know when and where the conference will be held
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Chris Martin
> m: 0419812371
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Andre Mangan <andremangan at>
> wrote:
> Hello Mitch,
> Your posting on the the existence of ASCCA prompted me to contact one of
> the local Computer Pals for Seniors group.
> A primary prompt was when a 90-year-old dear friend got into difficulties
> with sending emails and I tried to look for support organisations to assist
> him. You may be aware how difficult it is to guide someone via the phone
> and screenshots to solve a computer problem. Apparently a home visit was
> indicated but none of the organisations under the governmental auspices of
> providing services to senior Australians had the manpower (womanpower)
> available to accommodate such a need.
> The problem in question was eventually resolved.
> Today, after negotiating an invitation, I attended a local Computer Pals
> for Seniors group. I have had about 25 years of experience with computers
> and thought myself to be adequately qualified to offer my services. Even
> then I had to argue my case. A misunderstanding?
> Perhaps the word got out that I was there to present "something alien"
> because an early remark of "we don't teach Apple, only Microsoft" gave me
> some indication of things to come. I bit my tongue.
> As the meeting was about to finish I asked for time to address the
> assemblage. This was granted.
> My offering was this: That I was willing to provide assistance with
> computer problems in the home in return for the reimbursement of traveling
> expenses ( I am talking about country distances and country travel ). That
> was well received and a negotiator and person for contact was established.
> I made sure that everyone understood that I was not prepared to teach the
> use of Microsoft software but would assist anyone who needs assistance out
> of a tight spot no matter which operating system was in use.
> I also took the opportunity to question why anyone would use commercial
> software, especially when the cost to pensioners is considered, the group of
> people who can least afford it. One person wanted to argue that MS Word was
> far superior to I pointed out that I had not come to argue
> any case for or against.
> Yes, I showed them Ubuntu Karmic Koala, took their photos via Cheese and
> generally displayed, with pride, what Ubuntu has to offer. Unfortunately
> there was no hot-spot for internet.
> The group seems to be firmly entrenched in Microsoft products because MS
> has given them licences for all their software at almost no cost. Another
> factor is that many have an "inherited" computer system, one passed down to
> them as relatives upgrade their equipment and, of course, equipped with
> Windows.
> Will I go to the next meeting? You can bet on it.
> I noticed that MS is represented as one of the contributors to the Annual
> Conference in September.
> I wanted to post this so that whoever is going to represent (or present)
> Ubuntu at the ASCCA conference in Sydney in September is not caught on the
> back foot.
> Good Luck.
> Andre
> On 22 March 2010 19:16, Mitch Towner <mitch.towner.ubuntu at>
> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Everyone,
> I received some more information today regarding the 2010 ASCCA
> Conference. I was advised that approximately 200 delegates attended the
> conference last year. As such, this may not be quite such a "grand
> scale" type of thing as I initially thought.
> Is anyone interested in helping put together & deliver a presentation at
> this conference? To be completely honest, I am not much of a public
> speaker. However I am very keen to help organise a presentation at this
> conference as I believe that it would be a perfect opportunity to help
> promote Ubuntu.
> Kind Regards,
> Mitch (kermiac on IRC)
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