Web site content submission

Paul Gear paul at libertysys.com.au
Sat May 1 03:39:48 BST 2010

Hi folks,

I've been discussing with Melissa how we can make http://ubuntu.org.au/ 
more open and updated more frequently.  I've volunteered to review 
submissions to the web site, so what we've come up with is as follows:

    * Anyone who has made an actual contribution on the mailing list
      will be added, by request, as a "page creator" on the web site.
        To get added to the list of page creators, drop me your user
      number (not name) on the site.  The best way to do this is to
      login, and cut & paste the URL from the "my account" link.  e.g.
      Mine is http://www.ubuntu.org.au/user/1569
    * We may at a later stage just allow all registered users to create
      pages, but there are so many spam accounts there at the moment
      that this is probably not practical.
    * Page creators will have permissions to create Drupal story and
      basicevent nodes.
    * The defaults for the story and basicevent nodes will be unpublished.
    * I will monitor the unpublished queue twice a week, edit for style,
      grammar, etc., and liaise with the contributor before publishing. 
      (I am a grammar Nazi - you have been warned!)  If you prompt me
      (hint: with an email containing the URL of your node) i'll get to
      it more quickly than that (usually within 24 hours).

Guidelines on content submission:

    * Posts should be of direct relevance to current and potential
      Ubuntu-AU members.
    * Examples of good content for the site: local meetings & release
      parties, Ubuntu release announcements, or mentions of Ubuntu in
      the mainstream press.
    * Examples of good content for members' personal blogs: case studies
      & success stories, experiences with particular Ubuntu features,
      comments on bugs in launchpad, general rants.  Basically, anything
      which is an opinion piece should be kept for your own blog (which
      can be syndicated at http://planet.ubuntu.org.au/ - talk to
      Melissa about this).
    * Examples of good content for the wiki: contact details, other
      lists which might change frequently.
    * There's no copyright notice or anything like that on the site, so
      i'm suggesting right now that we require that content be submitted
      under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 Australia
      (CC BY-SA 2.5 AU) license, which is the most GPL-like of the
      Creative Commons family.

This is a trial for 3 months - i'm not sure how i'll handle the load if 
we have a LOT of interest, so i've comitted to be the reviewer just for 
that time (May-July).  Overwhelm me with your /QUALITY/, not your 

And on that note, does anyone feel like writing up:

    * a snappy one-paragraph summary of the Ubuntu lucid 10.04 LTS
      release (with appropriate links to the official announcement and
      release notes) which we can put on the front page?
    * a welcome page for new or potential members, which explains how to
      get involved?  It should probably be quite a short page, pointing
      to a more detailed document on the wiki.  Some ideas to kick
      around for starters can be found at:
          o http://ubuntu.com.au/node/68
          o http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate
          o https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/GettingInvolved

Please reply to the list with any constructive thoughts, suggestions, or 
comments you might have.  Flamebait or abuse can be directed to me 
personally.  ;-)


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