
Melissa Draper melissa at meldraweb.com
Sun Mar 21 08:48:45 GMT 2010

On Sun, 2010-03-21 at 01:23 -0700, Michael wrote:
> Melissa.
> Are we or are we not supposed to be adults. You feel forced, well
> guess what so do a few of us. Why should I and others change our
> language that in every other circumstance is acceptable? You are
> trying to force us to change, this is not acceptable.

Initially, I added a single line to a reply that I made: "And gals,
please :P". This was /me/ adding the inclusiveness.

Over a week later someone points this out.

And I explained why "guys" does not include the opposite of guys -- that
a girl in the company of guys does not become a guy.

Now there's a waterfall of hostility from men against me for defending
my right to be identified as I see fit.

Tell me, who is being forced here?

> You talk of
> correctness, well I blew that out of the water with regards to "folk".


        O.E. folc "common people, men, tribe, multitude," from P.Gmc.
        *folkom (cf. O.Fris. folk, M.Du. volc, Ger. Volk "people"), from
        P.Gmc. *fulka-, perhaps originally "host of warriors;" cf. O.N.
        folk "people," also "army, detachment;" and Lith. pulkas
        "crowd," O.C.S. pluku "division of an army," both believed to
        have been borrowed from P.Gmc. Some have attempted, without
        success, to link the word to Gk. plethos "multitude;" L. plebs
        "people, mob," populus "people" or vulgus. Superseded in most
        senses by people.

> We have 2 options, we can be ourselves or we can get hung up on minute
> points while Ubuntu-AU is publicly disintegrating. I have made my
> point, I won't be getting into a school yard brawl over language use
> with you or anyone else on this particular matter again.
> And yes it's Michael.

Melissa Draper

w: http://meldraweb.com & http://geekosophical.net
p: +61 4 0472 2736

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