
Michael keltoiboy at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 04:52:58 GMT 2010

On Mar 21, 12:52 pm, Melissa Draper <meli... at meldraweb.com> wrote:

> I find "Folks" to be a much more inclusive replacement.
> I'd also appreciate not have to defend my preference for women being
> visible/women as opposed to invisible/"honorary guys" on this list.
> --
> Melissa Draper
Folks is inclusive if your with your folks. However not one of you
people is my kin folk so it does not really apply in a strict sense.

We could all get extremely pedantic about phraseology here. I think we
would all like to not have to defend our preferences so may I just
suggest we drop all the PC (not personal computer) stuff. This is the
21st century and we should at least be mindful that no one has set out
to deliberately offend others.

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