Save the Planet!

Melissa Draper melissa at
Wed Mar 17 01:36:27 GMT 2010


I haven't done one of these calls for a while...

Do you have a blog? Does it occasionally mention Ubuntu?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, then congratulations!
Your blog qualifies for a listing on the Ubuntu Australian Team blog
syndication feed at!

I'm currently composing a list of feeds to be added to the planet, and
yours could be part of this. All you need to do is follow this simple

* Compose an email that contains:
  - Your name
  - The URL of your blog home page
  - The URL of the RSS feed file
  - Optionally, a 72px x 72px picture of you to be displayed beside your

* Send said email to me directly

Those with existing listings on the Ubuntu-Au planet that need the URL
updated (I'm looking at you, Ben and Harrison) or a picture added should
also heed this invitation and send relevant information to me.

Melissa Draper

w: &
p: +61 4 0472 2736

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