Funding question

Dave Hall dave.hall at
Mon Mar 8 10:13:13 GMT 2010

Hi Benjamin

On Mon, 2010-03-08 at 00:58 -0800, benchen70 wrote:

<snip />

> Hang on, I forgot to ask one question: are we allowed to fundraise on
> behalf of the community, or are there specified people for this kind
> of job? Or do we not funsraise at all? I mean, do we fundraise for the
> social events?

My experience in successfully pulling in ~7k from local government in
the last year or so for FOSS related activities there are 3 hurdles to

* Local connection test.  Is it happening within the shire/city

* Community benefit test.  What is the benefit to the local community?
improved infrastructure? increased tourism? economic development? better
quality of living? Try to tick at least 2

* Legal entity test.  Is the body applying for the funding incorporated?
If not is there an incorporated entity which will auspice the

On to top of the above points getting to know the decision makers is
important.  I am lucky I live out of a small town, I have a demonstrated
track record of investing significant time for no direct return and
delivering.  People giving the money want to make sure you will deliver
and not make them look like idiots - just ask Tiger Wood's sponsors.
These days I meet almost weekly with the local ward councillor and know
probably half a dozen council staff well enough to talk to them in the

If you want to hit up councils for things, start with the low hanging
fruit, say a meeting room to have an event, such as a launch party or
something else which doesn't have an impact on the bottom line. Work
your way up from there.  Make sure you invite the ward councillor/s and
appropriate council staff to the event too.  Do a media release, include
the local rag in the list, mention the council's support in the release
etc.  Keep in mind if you have under 18s standing out the front of the
council venue with a beer in 1 hand and a cigi in the other you are
unlikely to be able to do it again.

As for being "allowed" to fundraise in the name of the loco - I have no
idea of what the deal is with that one.



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