Securing computer (rsync, vnc and web site)

Morgan Storey me at
Sat Jun 26 08:46:47 BST 2010

I agree with tunnelling VNC and rsync over SSH. Some other ideas; you could
also tunnel the web interface over ssh, but it is not always do-able. You
could also look at using https with ssl/tls on the Apache install and use
certificate based authentication with a password still on the site. But that
maybe overboard for just a simple home setup. You can also look at where you
are likely to hit your mythweb from and restrict source IP's on your router
or firewall.

Forgot to reply to all, also

Morgan Storey

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:58 PM, Paul Gear <paul at> wrote:

> On 25/06/10 15:24, Tom Sparks wrote:
>> I have a computer that I run mythtv on
>> I want to secure the remote access options
>> I have VNC
>> I have a website (mythtv's mythweb), currently I use a username/password
>> I am looking at setting up rsync server
>> What are my options?
> The most important thing you can do is use both VNC and rsync over ssh.  By
> default neither VNC nor rsync use encrypted connections, and by using them
> over an ssh connection, you keep the same advantages, but do so with an
> encrypted and authenticated connection.  There are plenty of tutorials about
> this out there on the web, but basically, you want to use public key
> authentication and tunnel the VNC and rsync connections through ssh.
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