HOW TO: Netcomm NB9WMAXX and Firewall

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Mon Jul 26 04:13:46 BST 2010

On 17/07/10 15:25, Scott Evans wrote:
> The main thing is that unless you need ANY ports open on your
> modem/router then you are fin behind the NAT you only expose yourself if
> you are running a service that requires something/someone to connect to
> it. Also unless you are on a fixed IP from your ISP, then you can always
> randomly switch your modem/router off/on and you would most likely be
> reassigned a new IP.
> and likewise about port scans, I'm not interested in scanning your
> system, but I will if it would make you feel a little more comfortable
> (using Nessus) if you do then just shoot me a PM (I'm expecting you to
> decline!)
Hi Scott,

I responded to you in private on 19 July. Did you receive my message?


A man kept complaining about not having shoes to wear - until he saw a man with no legs.

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