HOW TO: Netcomm NB9WMAXX and Firewall

Callan Jefferson Davies callan at
Thu Jul 15 08:52:32 BST 2010

> And now I am absolutely confused and in the state of wonder.....
> When I went broadband (from dial-up) I bought a Netgear modem/router
> Then I went from ADSL to ADSL2+, still with TPG, and was supplied with a
> Zyxel ADSL2+ modem/router with 4 ethernet ports and VoIP and wi-fi.
> 2 years ago I switched over to iinet, using this Zyxel modem/router.
> Yesterday I bought the Netcomm which is described in the documentation

Hi Basil,

 From what I know of these brands, the Netgear + Zyxel + Netcomm are all 
quite alike.

I know that (most) Netgear routers block pings by default, which is 
annoying during my day job because that makes it hard to diagnose 
connection issues with customers that use Netgear. So this means when 
you were using the Netgear, your router would NOT have replied to ping.

Zyxel - have no idea what these devices do in their default state.

Netcomm - from what I know of these, they DO respond to ping in their 
factory default state.

But in all cases, what I said above would probably still hold true - 
anyone sending you a ping would still be hitting your router, NOT 
hitting your computer directly.

Does this help make sense of things for you?

Do you understand how the router actually works, or do you need some 
clarification on that too?


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