HOW TO: Netcomm NB9WMAXX and Firewall

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Jul 14 13:35:33 BST 2010

In the very early hours of this morning (Wednesday) we had here in 
Canberra one hell of a wind 'storm' with the result that one of our 
neighbour' trees was bought down and short-circuited 2 phases of the 
power lines. The power surge took out my modem's power unit.

Today, as replacement, I bought the Netcomm NB9WMAXX (ADSL2+VoIP) 
modem/router and now have it working for both ADSL and VoIP.

However, for the first time in ~7 years I now FAIL the ShieldsUp!, 
TruStealth, test on all ports are in Stealth mode but the 
FAILure occurs because the Netcomm accepts and replies to ICMP pings. 
This didn't occur on the Netgear and the Zyxel modems I had before.

The question now is: does anyone know which parameter in this Netcomm I 
need to play with - and what are the settings - to stop these responses 
to pings, please?

As additional info, I am running Ubuntu Lucid (is there something in 
Lucid which could be set? - although I have never had to fiddle with any 
settings in Ubuntu before so I believe that this is modem firewall 
hassle, but then I am not a network geek :-) ).

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


And God created Woman; and to repent He then created Beer.

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