wifi for ubuntu

Paul Gear paul at libertysys.com.au
Sat Jul 10 23:05:37 BST 2010

On 10/07/10 18:59, Chris Rosenhain wrote:
> Hi there,
> You might like to look towards Internode for free hotspots:
> https://hotspot.internode.on.net/coverage/index.php
> Just use the guest login button :)

And if you do that, you'll probably get best performance if you switch 
your mirror to use Internode's mirror site.  I'm not sure if it's 
different for the netbook edition, but for Ubuntu desktop, choose System 
-> Administration -> Software -> Ubuntu Software -> Download from: -> 
Other... -> mirror.internode.on.net, then close the Software Sources 
dialog and allow it to reload the package information.

As an aside, which ISP do you use?  Many responsible ISPs in Australia 
run mirrors of Ubuntu.  Check out that same list


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