
Paul Gear paul at
Wed Aug 18 00:38:32 BST 2010

On 17/08/10 22:54, peter goggin wrote:
> Thanks for that. It certainly restored my printer.
Good to hear!  Please keep replies on the mailing list.
> Do I need to do this every time I reboot my system?

I've never found that to be necessary, but perhaps something has changed 
to prevent startup of CUPS on your system.

In all my time working with Debian & Ubuntu (i switched from Red Hat to 
Debian about 5 years ago), i've never had to fix startup on an 
application that was provided with the system, so i don't even know how 
to ensure that it's enabled for startup.  Time for a bit of Google...

OK, it seems that if you have the package sysv-rc-conf, you can use 
sysv-rc-conf to enable and disable services on startup.  Try 
"sysv-rc-conf --list cups" to see whether or not it is enabled.

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