Logs for IRC meeting 10-08-2010

MoLE moleonthehill+ubuntu-au at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 02:09:22 BST 2010

On 11 August 2010 23:31, IKT <noname420 at gmail.com> wrote:
> time flys when you're asleep >.<
> So irt the advertising, was someone working on some print material?

Correct.  dns53 and head_victim have both been helping me out with the

head_victim has sent me a version which has basically modified the
english layer with localised information.

I'm working on a version that has a separate layer for the English -
Au information, so it can be fed back to the spreadubuntu site.

Not sure about the policy of posting files to a mailing list, but once
we have a URL to point to them, I can post up the pdf that head_victim
has made.



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