
Mitch Towner mitch.towner.ubuntu at
Thu Apr 22 02:07:17 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 19/04/10 23:56, Mitch Towner wrote:
> On 19/04/10 01:42, Jared Norris wrote:
>> Simon,
>> Same here, might be related to an update for Lucid or something? I have only
>> just noticed it tonight so in my experience waiting a until morning usually
>> solves the problem. It might be syncing or something at the moment. Well
>> that's my plan anyway, if anyone else has any information they'd like to
>> share?
>> Regards,
>> Jared Norris
>> On 19 April 2010 01:38, Simon Ives <simon at> wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I'm having difficulty connecting to medibuntu via apt tonight and was
>>> wondering if anyone else is having the same issue or whether I should start
>>> troubleshooting elsewhere?
>>> Regards.
>>> Simon Ives.
>>> --
>>> ubuntu-au mailing list
>>> ubuntu-au at
> Hi Simon, Jared & the rest of the list,
> I can confirm that the is down & will probably
> remain that way until at least Wednesday or Thursday. Only the front-end
> is down, so you can add a temporary entry in your /etc/hosts pointing to
> the medibuntu back-end until the front-end ( is
> back online in a few days.
> I will outline this process step-by-step for any who may be experiencing
> this issue & are not familiar with the process.
> To add this temporary entry to your hosts file simply do the following:
> 1. Open a terminal window
> 2. Type "sudo gedit /etc/hosts" (without the quotes) & press enter. This
> will display your hosts file.
> 3. Add "" (without the quotes) to
> a new line in your hosts file.
> 4. Save & close your hosts file.
> 5. Reload/ refresh your package list by typing "sudo apt-get update"
> (without the quotes) from a terminal window or by opening Update Manager
> & clicking on the "check" button.
> You should now be able to access packages from the medibuntu repository.
> Please note that you should remove this temporary entry in a few days
> after the medibuntu front-end issue has been resolved.
> You can monitor this issue at the following bug report to find out when
> this issue has been resolved. Please do not add unnecessary noise to the
> bug report. If you wish to show that this issue also affects you, please
> use the "Does this bug affect you" facility at the top of the bug
> report. The medibuntu maintainer is aware of the issue & the issue is
> currently being worked on.
> I will also send an update to this list once the front-end is back up to
> remind anyone who has performed this temporary work-around to delete
> this entry from their /etc/hosts file.
> Mitch Towner

Hi All,
This is just a quick update to let everyone know that the medibuntu
front-end is back online. Anyone who added the line to their /etc/hosts
file should now remove that line as it is now longer needed.

Mitch Towner
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