Ubuntu stickers

IKT noname420 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 19:22:37 BST 2009

Heya :)
This is actually a pretty common topic, by common I mean it's been mentioned
5 times in the last year :/
here was the last discussion:


>>* You would be better off buying some from zareason not only will you get*>>* what you want within 10 working days, these stickers are made from aluminium*>>* and look much better than the paper  ones from the system 76 site...*

Hmm.. This whirlpool post has some useful
Other places I will be looking for is cafepress and zazzle.

I'm actually interested in some of those smaller ones, not the huge ones
that come with the ubuntu cds.

Best of luck


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Denis <Ellaver at bigpond.com> wrote:

>  I have semi retired from the IT and Automation, field, and now  have a
> small business recycling computers and refurbishing computers for seniors,
> and those in need.
> I have just started to offer machines with Ubuntu, which I now view as a
> serious alternative to Windows.
> Offering a wonderful array of free programs.
> However:
> I would like to access, stickers to place on my machines, I notice they
> have them in UK, but I was wondering is there an outlet here in Australia,
> where I can access stickers and paraphernalia, to advertise Ubuntu. ?
> Grandpa.
> Grandpa's Computer services
> Veresdale, Queensland.
> Mobile: 040 2799118
> Denis. P. Rawlinson
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
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