Modem Router

Joe Howski joewski at
Tue Sep 15 23:49:08 BST 2009

Hi Greg,

Just a suggestion have you tried flashing your ADSL/Router to WW- A long time ago I had problems with torrents overloading my
Linksys wrt54gs causing disconnects. I did some research and found
this open source replacement for my cisco firmware. Many routers are
supported. (Rember most routers run linux under the hood.)

The WW-DRT software is fantastic, however there is a little bit of a
learning curve. There is also the fear one has of flashing your
router. But if you hate the router anyway, then its not as big a
problem if you brick it. WW-DRT has a nice WEB gui interface. I would
not buy a modem/router that isn't supported by ww-drt, that how much I
like it now. Also I would look for a router with a usb port or two.
This make it possible to use you router as a small web server as well.
Goto the website and check it out.

I particularly like features like memory management, the ability to
tweak the router, control who has access, at what time, power levels,
cpu frequencies, feature that are enabled etc. You can seperate ports
to run an isolated server to the web and protect the rest of the lan.
Update the firmware, run cron jobs. Check what wireless connections
are around, see whos connected, relay link routers and other advanced
configurations I'm still getting my head around. The other nice thing
is once you've learn't the interface, you can use it on any new router
that dd-wrt supports. You can back up your configuration.


On 11 Sep, 19:39, Greg McNamara <maccamenz... at> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a Wireless ADSL /ADSL2+ Modem /Router for Ubuntu.
> My DLINK has a well reported problem with disconnects.
> Thanks
> Regards
> Greg
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