Ubuntu-au Obsolete? or needing a revamp?

George Patterson george.patterson at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 13:49:13 BST 2009

(Ryan, best of luck with the exams)

At least in Melbourne, I think the problem is that there are a lot of
groups for someone time competing. Eg. I have a Hackerspace meeting on
Tuesdays which is the same evening as Linux Users of Victoria

However, as we have software freedom day (the weekend 19th/20th around
the country), the Ubuntu-au community has the opportunity to meet
there for a discussion and coffee or other beverage.

Otherwise weekends are usually faily clear but more difficult for
those with families or other commitments that can't be shifted.

Regarding IRC comms, we are never going to be able to stop those that
join, ask a question and  quit the minute after. It is always very
difficult to provide volunteer driven real time support which is

I'm sorry but I don't think I have the answers.. Though it could be
worth have a meet up somewhere on a monthly basis, not sure what
format it should be. Perhaps as a brunch perhaps? But I don't think we
need another specialised LUG.



2009/9/3 Ryan Ralph <ryanralph1991 at gmail.com>:
> Hi there,
> I'm a relatively new user to ubuntu compared to some of the more experiences users out there. I have been following this emailing list for a while and have found many interesting hints and tips. I'm not very into the IRC but I'm definitely open to any new suggestions such as facebook groups for communication.
> As for meeting up, I'm in melbourne and so far haven't heard of anything about this but would be definitely interested to get together with anyone interested from melbourne.
> Not being a member of this loco team for long I don't really know how things should be run or could be improved but I'd definitely like to see things running at full potential.
> This could be really great and I'd like to do my best to contribute even though its coming up to year 12 exams. Interested to see how things go...
> --
> Ryan Ralph
> ryanralph1991 at gmail.com
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Greg McNamara <maccamenzies at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm up for any of the suggestions. I use Twitter which is good for updates and URL or info. I'm in Perth so local meets will always be a problem unless sufficient numbers. But I'm up for helping where I can guys gals
>> > Subject: Re: Ubuntu-au Obsolete? or needing a revamp?
>> > From: dns_server at yahoo.com
>> > To: ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
>> > Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 20:51:15 +0930
>> >
>> > Hi Scott,
>> >
>> >
>> > I've been thinking about this for a while and i'm still not sure what we
>> > can do of what we can do.
>> >
>> > First thing we need to work out what we are here for.
>> > Are we here just as a mailing list/irc room for anyone who wanders in?
>> > That is something that is relatively easy to do and does not have a huge
>> > amount of overhead. This is what we are currently doing and is working
>> > fine if that is all we want to do but we could do more.
>> >
>> > We have some problems that many loco's don't have. We are a big country
>> > and we are not all in the same place. From what i can see most of the
>> > active loco's are in a narrower area ie just a state in the usa where
>> > there are a lot of people that can meet up.
>> >
>> > I don't think we can become a lug and all meet up and talk about ubuntu.
>> > many it appears that most of the people that hang out in irc are from
>> > sydney and it might work there but not nation wide. I'd be happy to do
>> > something if we all meet up at things like linux.conf.au or osdc (i
>> > should go to that atleast once) and i think we should atleast go out to
>> > dinner at linux.conf.au, depending on how many are coming i'd be happy
>> > to pay for peoples drinks or meals.
>> >
>> > We probably are not that big but feel free to speak up. To do anything
>> > we need someone to think up an idea and then someone to do it. Feel free
>> > to make a suggestion. We probably have a lot of people here with the
>> > time and ability but not the ideas.
>> >
>> > I don't think we talk enough. We don't seem to have any developers on
>> > this list, if we do please post a message on what project you are
>> > working on. We should also share what we are doing as users. I've seen
>> > some chatter about google wave in irc, how is that progressing for
>> > example.
>> >
>> > I sit in irc most days. irc is great if you know someone but horrible if
>> > you don't and it can take some time to get to know people there. We do
>> > get quite a bit of people joining #ubuntu-au, asking a question and
>> > leaving within a minute. it is kind of frustrating when it happens.
>> > there have been many times when someone will join, ask a question and
>> > leave before you are able to finish typing a hello message.
>> >
>> > Now i've spent far too long rambling about some of the problems what
>> > could we do?
>> >
>> > Well we have a planet which is good. We could try and make an effort to
>> > write something useful on there, anyone got any good tips etc? it is
>> > something we are doing but we could do more. It's probably not something
>> > that i'm going to do but if i have anything interesting to share i'll do
>> > it.
>> >
>> > Do we have a facebook group, twitter handles etc. i'm identi.ca/dns but
>> > i do not say a lot there.
>> >
>> >
>> > How do you find out about us?
>> > I've been an ubuntu user since neerly the start and had not bother
>> > joining a loco. I've known about loco's for a while but never got around
>> > to it.
>> > Do you guys mention it at lug meetings etc? a little bit of word of
>> > mouth will probably help.
>> >
>> > I'm going to start a linux australia podcast (if anyone replies to my
>> > message). if you want to bring back the ubuntu podcast i'd be happy to
>> > help.
>> >
>> > Hopefully you have read all my rambling and we are waiting on your ideas
>> > and suggestions.
>> >
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Daniel
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > ubuntu-au mailing list
>> > ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au
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>> ubuntu-au mailing list
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> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au

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