My experience with Ubuntu...not great

Timmy mullins.tim at
Sat Nov 7 11:13:46 GMT 2009

try it on a different computer

sounds like your hardware is incompatible

On 4 Nov, 23:00, Microbe <xxxmicrobe... at> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I thought I would share my experience installing Ubuntu.  As
> background, I am the guy friends, family and neighbours call when they
> have trouble with their Windows PC and am pretty good at it.  I can
> also find my way around a Linux terminal OK.
> Having read about how good desktop Linux is nowadays I thought it was
> time to give it a go.
> The install of 9.10 was easy as you could want.  The whole thing works
> well and boots and shuts down quick smart.
> I should add that the computer I was experimenting on is in my shed
> (don't ask!) so not much at stake.  All i do is listen to music, Skype
> sometimes and look up something about my latest tinker project.
> Well, the first problem was listening to music. MP3s were associated
> with the movie player.  I managed to sort that out easy enough but
> even when I pointed MP3s at Rhythmbox, no can't play layer1
> MP3s or something.  Not a good start.
> OK, let's get Skype going.  I downloaded the proper version only to
> have the install fail with the friendly message about a dependency
> needing dbus >= 4.3 I think it was.  At this point I can imagine the
> average mug giving up and I wouldn't blame them, but I was
> determined.
> It took me a while to find dbus to download but I did it.   Oh shucks,
> it depended on something or another XML.  I grabbed that and guess
> what...on and on it went.  It was just too hard.
> The long and short of it is that I never did get skype or music
> working and can only assume that the idea that Linux is ready as a
> windows replacement for the average punter is someone's fantasy.
> It is a shame really because there needs to be an alternative (apart
> from a Mac) but right now, this isn't it.
> This is not meant as a troll, I am genuinely disappointed and look
> forward to hearing from people about what you think...maybe even some
> solutions, but I fear it is going to be ongoing dramas every time I
> try to install something.
> Which reminds me, a couple of games I from the built in installer?
> Guess what....
> Over to you, penguins.
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu... at lists.ubuntu.com

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