c-nile virus

Dave Hall dave.hall at skwashd.com
Wed Jan 14 22:25:45 GMT 2009

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 08:23 +1100, andrew wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 07:43:39PM +0000, pewtas at gmail.com wrote:
> > I've shared a document with you called "c-nile virus":  
> Hmmmm..... is this supposed to be a joke or is it spam?

Chain mail joke by the looks of things.  Seen it before.  I don't think
it really should be posted to a public mailing list.  Also as someone
who has worked in aged care, I don't find people with dementia struggle
to connect with the world as something particularly funny.  

As a community we should be encouraging people 50+ to use technology.
My mother in law who is in her 60s is a reasonable happy ubuntu user.
She struggles a bit, but this is mostly an issue of experience and



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