My ADVICE!!!: Are you having problems installing Qdebian (Linux) packages.

Peter Williams pewtas at
Thu Jan 8 11:06:02 GMT 2009

To ppl who use Linux and are having problems installing Qdebian (Linux)

HI There *SMILE*

I am extremely happy because my desktop pc (which is very faster!!) is now
working extremely well !!! I'm still learning how to use it. ## GREAT BIG

Also, I still only rate myself as a *Linux Newbie (beginner!)*

I use *Mint Linux Ubuntu version 5* (I think) - & a Gnome Desktop.

As I said... It's FANTASTIC to use and extremely powerful.

Also, I develop sofware with Lazarus (a Pascal RAD). I develop software
(free & open source!!!!) with Borland Delphi vers 3,5 & 7!! Enterprise
edition. I have been developing software since I was a young boy and a
teenager!!! I'm now 47 years old. I have used many types of computer systems
and I think that's where I have benefited in so good (proficient) at what I

Although, lots of things about the internet and www and document formats etc
etc confuse me.

My experience has taught me that there key to learning to use computers...
it to do everything possible to help learn it. Book, Magazines, dvds, cds,
video files, friends, enemies (SMILE) and prehaps the MOST IMPORTANT thing
is to keep a sence of Humour and collect Jokes cartoons and artworks by lots
of ppl. Collect powerpoint (or impress) slide-shows etc. Experience, test,
guess and most importantly, I collect freeware and shareware source code...
and studied it to see how it worked or didn't.

When I used my Delphi (and later, Lazarus) RAD compilers... I was very
careful to try to get hide of (or try to) ride my software projects of
compiler Errors, Warnings, Hints etc (I'm forgeting one of them -- it 4
different things). Also, I have joined Delphi newsgroups, email list,
discussion groups etc etc. Make friends with a programmer... and listen to
his advice (one of my good friends is a Professional programmer who has also
been doing it for all his life!!!!)

Also, try to enjoy non-computing things. I love to write and self-publish my
Poetry and Games I've programmed. They're only fairly simple! Okay... some
are quite complicated... BUT on my Delphi Programming Souce Code Page, you
can download either the source code (in Delphi) or the Windows executable,
or both!!!

my totally free website is here: -- It's
a GooglePages free website with a TON of storage space (well,
metaphorically!) *GRIN*

To install a Linux Debian file, use GDebi Package Manager application (it's
a graphical app e.g. it has a GUI instead of not.).

A very good friend and fellow Linux Ubuntu Mint user told me about it.
Actually, he is to thank for teaching me more about Linux. His name is Terry
Martin and he lives in the Tasmanian Country (I get confused about exactly
where)... He is a very kind person and is teaching me more about Linux
Ubuntu Mint and Linux commands (which I still have problems with). I guess
that's about what having a true friend is all about.


Application name:

GDebi Package Manager

gdebi-gtk 0.3.8
Install and view software packages
(c) 2005-2006 Canonical

Written by
Michael Vogt and Sebastian Heinlein

Translated by
Launchpad Contributions:
  Chris Goerner<>
  ZhongHan Cai<>

GPL, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL


Fond Regards,
Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS
from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia -- phone (03) 6236-9675

My free website is:  (or)

(please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)
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