Replacement computers for bushfire victims

Karl Goetz karl at
Fri Feb 13 05:32:11 GMT 2009

On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:28:01 +1100
Stewart Johnston <scj at> wrote:

> Just heard a lady on the abc talking all the computers that will have 
> been lost in the bushfires ("and all the kids wanting to check
> facebook for support"). While it's not the top priority for people
> just now, I imagine that it may become so in the near future.
> Does anyone know of any refurbishment initiatives that might be 
> providing PCs to Victoria that are jumping in to help? I'm not
> working at the moment and would be happy to volunteer my Ubuntu
> installing skills, as well as my hardware refurbishing talents, if
> needed.

Interestingly, this just came up on OSIA:

> The AIIA is apparently announcing computers for bushfire victims
>  This is presumably
> something that people like computerbank can also do.  Does anyone have
> any contacts there?  If you do, could you suggest this to them?

> Brendan


Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian user / gNewSense contributor
No, I won't join your social networking group
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