Help!!! Something is using most of my HDD space!!!

Paul Gear paul at
Thu Feb 12 00:05:24 GMT 2009

Joel W Shea wrote:
> 2009/2/12 Dave Hall <dave.hall at>:
>> On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 09:24 +1100, Morgan Storey wrote:
>>> I'd suggest doing the below in /home/username
>>> du -h --max-depth=1
>>> This will tell you what folder is using what.
>> I was initially more interested in what his overall usage was, then I
>> would suggest he uses filelight which is just a fancy GUI frontend for
>> du
> I usually do a "du -sk * | sort -rn | head", to get the top ten space hogs
> in the current working dir, then drill down from there.

An easier alternative is the GNOME disk space analyser: Applications ->
Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer.  It can scan your system or specific
parts of it, and give you some great little graphs that make it clear
where the most space is used.  I'm personally rather fond of the
exploded pie chart it produces - great for tracking down big stuff quickly.


P.S.  For those who like having cross-platform alternatives, check out
Note that it's not Free Software in the GNU sense, but it is
unrestricted to use, and works on any platform with a Java stack.
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