A new Blueprint I have just proposed

Karl Goetz karl at kgoetz.id.au
Fri Oct 31 03:25:59 GMT 2008

On Fri, 2008-10-31 at 11:30 +1000, Mark Unwin wrote:
> I have just registered a new Blueprint in Launchpad for Ubuntu.
> Basically, _one_ DVD for all Ubuntu versions.

Are you talking about ;
 multiarch cd(s)?
 an 'all *buntus' cd?
 both of the above?
 something I haven't thought of?

I don't think a DVD will be big enough for what you suggest.

> I am willing to help bring this to reality, however, I have no idea
> where to start regarding installation.

The tools used to make the ubuntu cds would require modification, so
helping with that is the best way i suppose.

> I have a SysAdmin background, and am a heavy Ubuntu user.

If you have any make/python/bash foo it will help for this.

> If anyone can provide information or pointers on how to:
> 1 - get this noticed

I guess email Colin.

> 2 - who to approach to offer help

I think Colin Watson, and the ubuntu-cdimage team (I assume theres a
team, he might maintain it on his own).



Karl Goetz <karl at kgoetz.id.au>
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