FSTAB Auto Mount

Simon Ives simon at simonives.info
Wed Oct 15 04:34:45 BST 2008

> You are mounting the file system before the network is up, use _netenv
> to mount when the network status changes instead of auto. ie
> // /media/windows_e cifs
> _netenv,credentials=/etc/smbcredentials,uid=1000,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,rw 0 0
> With the new network manager they have changed how the network starts
> slightly to allow you to connect to wireless without being logged in
> to a gui etc so it has changed some of these things. 
Thanks, I'll give this a shot later in the day when I can reboot.  I
thought it may have been a network issue.

Simon Ives

simon at simonives.info

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