FSTAB Auto Mount

Simon Ives simon at simonives.info
Wed Oct 15 04:30:55 BST 2008

Hi Hamish

> Hi Simon
> Can you check three things:
> 1. that the /etc/smbcredentials file exists post-upgrade

File's there.

> 2. the permissions on that file

The permissions for the above file are listed as:

-rw-r--r--   1 root  root        35 2008-05-27 16:17 smbcredentials

> 3. that the file contents are correct

The file contents are the same as pre-upgrade.

> I am not 100% sure but checking System->Administration->System Log
> might some light too. Look in syslog and filter for cifs.

There is nothing in syslog of any note.  There is a single cifs error
from yesterday when I executed "sudo mount -a" and the Windows box was
powered down.

I don't think this is a cifs issue (alone) as the NFS share doesn't
mount at start-up either.  I thought that it was either a
permission/group issue or the machine was attempting to mount the shares
before it had finished connecting to the network.

> HTH,
> Hamish


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