Mounting a drive - not using fstab or root

Paul Gear paul at
Thu May 29 01:15:52 BST 2008

> Thanks everybody for replying. My questions are below:
> ...
>> 2.  Use manual mounting:
>> /dev/sda  /mymedia/hd1  ext3  user,noauto  0  0
>> /dev/sda  /mymedia/hd2  ext3  user,noauto  0  0
> Thanks Paul.
> The fstab entry, taken out, was:
> LABEL=hardy-backups /media/hardy-backups ntfs-3g
> defaults,locale=en_AU.UTF-8 0 0
> Would this then be:
> LABEL=hardy-backups /media/hardy-backups ntfs-3g user,noauto 0 0
> because if so, I have already tried that and it doesn't work. Is there
> still an issue with user,noauto?

"It doesn't work" is not a very comprehensive explanation of the error. 
What commands did you try?  What was the output?

Without knowing the above, my first suggestion would be to mount it
somewhere outside the /media/ tree, since that is used for removable media
and your mount may be interfering with the hotplug mounting software (or
vice versa).

>> Note that if this is a USB or similar device (firewire, eSATA), you'll
>> probably need to disable automatic mounting of devices with the GNOME
>> tools.  (I can't remember how to do this.)
> The drive is IDE but may change to a SATA (internal).

As long as it's not hotplug, that should be fine.


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