Misc Ubuntu Troubles

Tim Neill kinghfb at gmail.com
Wed May 14 09:53:07 BST 2008

Hi All

I've recently inherited [for work] a very nice Vostro notebook, which was
wiped clean and set up with Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy w/ Reiserfs.
This machine is primarily a development laptop, using a secondary widescreen
monitor and networked to about 10 Apple G5 Macs running Leopard and phoning
home to a very nice Leopard Server. Joining the party is a brand new iPod

Several questions are:
1) What is the best replacement for Mac's 'TextMate'? I've got some nice
plugins and highlighting with Geany, but I find that TextMate is still
superior. I'm genuinely curious to find the best Linux alternative
2) As far as SVN is concerned, what is the recommended app to manage and
sync our code repositories? (GUI is preferable, but in the worst case
scenario, I will resort to command line). I'm currently struggling to make
good use of RapidSVN, which has been recommended, but I find it a little
awkward compared to some SVN software for the Mac
3) The iPod refuses to mount, despite following just about every tutorial
and suggestion I can find. The main problem appears upon launching the
'ipod-touch-mount' script, which reports an 'IP not found' error. A Mac box
will detect the cable fine, but the Linux box won't mount it. fstab perhaps?
4) Running compiz on the machine will occasionally crash the system when the
OS tries to fade to black to enable the su login box. I think this is an
nvidia/dual monitor bug, as I can avoid it entirely by disabling effects. If
anyone knows the exact bug due to a similar problem, I would love to know so
I can get compiz up and running successfully.
5) WINE will not uninstall apps, and refuses to run some others. Are there
any problems with WINE across dual monitors, or running across twin
dual-core processors? I have both. I have seen some documentation for
'uninstalling' apps [ie hard deleting] but this workaround really doesn't
solve anything.

These may sound a little convoluted and disjointed, but these are the -only-
problems I have encountered when using this OS in a production environment
for the first time. I have done some research into all of these, and found
some solutions, but I also need the help and opinion of true experts and

Tim Neill
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