hardy heron and truecrypt 5.1a

Daniel Mons daniel.mons at iinet.net.au
Wed May 7 12:22:14 BST 2008

Sebastian Spiess wrote:
> hi all,
> still reinstating after clean install I came across this IMPORTANT message while installing truecrypt.
> Has anyone had problems with the hardy kernel?
> IMPORTANT: Due to a bug in some Linux kernel versions, you may experience
> a very low performance or stalling when writing data to a TrueCrypt volume.
> This problem can be solved by upgrading your kernel to the latest version.

I did a clean install of Hardy 32bit last week, and TrueCrypt 5.1a on 
the same day (I store various client and personal data in separate 
TrueCrypt volumes).  While I'm not a heavy-usage TrueCrypt user 
(low-frequency writes, small files, volumes of 100MB or so at maximum), 
I haven't seen any sort of performance issues.

Folks did report some issues during the beta phase of Hardy, but it 
appears to be solved now.


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