upgrading problems

andremangan at gmail.com andremangan at gmail.com
Wed May 7 02:22:23 BST 2008

2008/5/7 Victor Vahe Kevorkian <vivakevian at gmail.com>:

> Reluctantly, yesterday I went ahead and updated Ubuntu 7.10 to Ubuntu
> 8.04.
> After 45 minutes of downloading and 50 minutes of installing, I had
> problem with "gcc-3.3-doc" (which I finally deleted it after searching for
> an hour for solutions).
> Ubuntu 8.04 brought with it Firefox3, which is a welcomed Browser, but
> lost all my "add-ons".

Some former add-ons have been incorporated into FireFox 3.  To get add-ons
click on Tools and the Add-ons and make a selection.

> The most unfortunate incident was the new VirtualBox-1.6.0-OSE ( which is
> not an Innotek property anymore and it belongs to SUN Misrosystems). After 7
> hours of figuring out how to install the "tar.bz2" and "vboxusers"
> rejections, when I finally saw the OS working came the most disappointing
> issue no USB entry, plus I can't connect to my network. VB1.5 was working
> like magic before.
> I need HELP, but please in very simple language with no abbreviations, I
> am 68yo and a candidate for a Heart Transplant.
> VB 1.6.0-OSE is built in Ubuntu 8.04 with Windows XP Professional.

Innotek, the firm that created VirtualBox has been sold to Sun Microsystems.

The -ose version in the Ubuntu repository does not currently have USB
support.  If you need USB support you will have to remove your current -ose
installation as well as the hidden file (.virtualbox) in your Home directory
and then install the Hardy version of VirtualBox, version 1.6.0 which you
can download from the Sun site.  That version does have USB support as well
as the usual network support that you had in the previous version.
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