Flash - it hurts! Make it stop! :-(

Karl Bowden karlbowden at gmail.com
Mon May 5 12:39:09 BST 2008

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Paul Gear <paul at libertysys.com.au> wrote:
> Melissa Draper wrote:
>  > Dave Hall wrote:
>  >> On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 11:59 +1000, Paul Gear wrote:
>  >>> Does anyone know a way to stop Firefox asking about installing missing
>  >>> plugins?  Facebook is driving me nuts since they switched their status
>  >>> app to Flash, since i'm on 64-bit Gutsy.
>  >> You could install FlashBlock - http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ even though
>  >> I have flash working on AMD64, it cuts down the amount of bandwidth
>  >> pointless crappy flash wastes
>  >
>  > noscript ( www.noscript.org ) gets rid of the javascript muck as well as
>  > the flash stuff, and allows rules by domain/subdomain/etc.
>  OK - next question: is there a solution for 64-bit platforms which will
>  allow me to run a 32-bit and a 64-bit browser simultaneously?  I usually
>  have 40 to 50 tabs across 5-10 different windows open at once, and i
>  can't afford to stop running my 64-bit browser just to run a Flash site
>  in my 32-bit browser.

You can install both firefox 32bit and firefox 64bit alongside each
other. Just make sure if you run them both at once, you start it with
the --no-remote option.
There were instructions on the ubuntu wiki in the 64bit section on how
to install firefox 32bit. It didn't work for me with hardy when I
tried though.

- Karl

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