Hardy Issues

Dale quail.linux at gmail.com
Sat May 3 07:19:03 BST 2008

Hi Simon

First Issue:
with the samba problem the warnings you are getting are asking you to
change 'fmask' to 'file_mode' and change 'dmask' to 'dir_mode' and it
also looks like it having problems finding the host.

Second Issue:
I have not personally encountered this problem and have been using
Thunderbird for years with lots of filtering.


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Simon <simon at simonives.info> wrote:
> Hi All.  I've just installed Hardy alongside Gutsy and I'm having a few
> minor issues that I hope someone on here may be able to help me with.
>  *First Issue.
>  I'm having a problem with my fstab file mounting some networked Windows XP
> shares.  The fstab is working fine under Gutsy but not under Hardy.  The
> section I'm adding to the fstab file in Hardy (working under Gutsy) is:
>  //goodvibes-desk/C /media/windows_c smbfs
> password=*****,fmask=0777,dmask=0777 0 0
>  //goodvibes-desk/E /media/windows_e smbfs
> password=*****,fmask=0777,dmask=0777 0 0
>  //goodvibes-desk/F /media/windows_f smbfs
> password=*****,fmask=0777,dmask=0777 0 0
>  When I execute sudo mount -a I get the following output:
>  WARNING: CIFS mount option 'fmask' is deprecated. Use 'file_mode' instead.
>  WARNING: CIFS mount option 'dmask' is deprecated. Use 'dir_mode' instead.
>  mount error: could not find target server. TCP name goodvibes-desk/C not
> found
>  No ip address specified and hostname not found
>  WARNING: CIFS mount option 'fmask' is deprecated. Use 'file_mode' instead.
>  WARNING: CIFS mount option 'dmask' is deprecated. Use 'dir_mode' instead.
>  mount error: could not find target server. TCP name goodvibes-desk/E not
> found
>  No ip address specified and hostname not found
>  WARNING: CIFS mount option 'fmask' is deprecated. Use 'file_mode' instead.
>  WARNING: CIFS mount option 'dmask' is deprecated. Use 'dir_mode' instead.
>  mount error: could not find target server. TCP name goodvibes-desk/F not
> found
>  No ip address specified and hostname not found
>  I can browse the host 'goodvibes-desk' and connect to it via Places ->
> Connect to Server... with no problems.
>  Any idea how I should adjust the fstab?
>  *Second Issue
>  This is very minor but when I receive new mail in Thunderbird the account
> that received the mail displays the New Mail asterisk but the sub-folder
> that the mail has been filtered into does not go bold, highlighting that the
> email is in that folder.  I have to click each sub-folder and see if the
> email loads to find where it is.
>  Any idea what's going on here?
>  *Third Issue
>  Another minor issue.  Does anyone know which keyboard layout to select so
> that I don't have to hit SPACE after I enter ' ?
>  Thanks.
>  Simon Ives
> --
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