On Bugs and Linux Quality
Slawek Drabot
sdrabot at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 26 03:14:10 BST 2008
Daniel Morrison:
"I have had similiar experiences to what you describe.... but surely this
is what free software is all about! Choice.
If you are concerned about stability and showstopper bugs, choose
Debian, RHEL, etc.
If you are concerned about bleeding edge functionality and hardware
support, choose Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.
And don't forget to file those bug reports :-)
Choice is great. However we need to ask ourselves if we really need 20 different media players, for example, instead of 3 or 4 really good ones?
The nature of open source means that there are always more bugs than resources to fix them and therefore the tendancy for spawning new projects in response to shortfalls in another. I'm quite happy to live with this arrangement when using open source in the home, but I see this as a big obstacle for commercial/corporate adoption.
Let's face it, the pointy haired bosses struggle with making a decision when faced with 2 or 3 options. Expand that to 20 and beyond and we have decision deadlock.
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