filesystems (was Data Recovery: professionals familiar with ext3)

Paul Gear paul at
Wed Jun 11 08:17:57 BST 2008

Daniel Mons wrote:
> ...
>> Disclaimer: I have nothing against XFS in principle.  I just haven't had
>> good reliability from it.
> ...
> In your setup above, I can only think that the constant removal of the
> disk is potentially causing the issue (I've not used XFS on removable
> disks, which is a point of difference).  I would try to ensure the
> following:

That's the stupid thing - it doesn't get constant removal.  It sits
there online all the time.  I only change it when i swap backup volumes
off site once per week.

> 1) You are manually issuing a "sync" command to flush write buffers
> immediately before and immediately after unmounting the partitions (yes,
> umount is supposed to do that, but just for sanity's sake).  Script it
> to be safe.

It has been a very long time since i've seen a bug like that in the

> ...
> I hope some of that helps you track down your issues successfully.

I have no plans to track any further.  If ext3 is reliable, i don't
really need anything else.  It has been a long time since any of my
systems have felt hampered by disk I/O.

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