ubuntu.org.au server down

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Sun Jun 8 07:41:34 BST 2008

On Fri, 6 Jun 2008 at 07:50, "Chris Jones" <chrisjones at comcen.com.au> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 09:40 +1000, Chris Jones wrote:
> > The server always seems to get overloaded a little after each new
> > release of Ubuntu and then admins claim that they are working on the
> > problem so that it won?t happen again.
> >
> > I just wish the problem would be fixed once and for all instead of the
> > same problem arising with each new release as has been for some years
> > now.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Chris Jones
> >
> >>Perhaps you can suggest a fix for the issue then? There's not much point
> >>complaining if you can't suggest a solution.

But that's exactly how many bugs reports are made. Step One is identifying the 
symptoms. Then you ascertain the root problem and formulate a solution.

> Well the fix is clear. We need more powerful servers. Or better still, more
> servers.

Not knowing the details of the setup, the fix cannot be clear at all. A better 
solution might involve more bandwidth, a more finely tuned configuration, a 
new version of $PACKAGE, a reverse proxy or a zillion other things.

> I wasn't complaining as such, but simply pointing out that it's a
> continuing problem that isn't going away. And sooner or later, it must be
> fixed once and for all.

Yes it is a problem, but let's identify the disease before we prescribe a 

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wonder. It's just like all the tobacco companies paying for studies that said 
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