Mounting drive - still having problems

Paul Gear paul at
Mon Jun 2 01:01:21 BST 2008

David Ryder wrote:
> ...
> Please forgive me still asking for help trying to get this to work - I
> don't understand why not despite manuals and this list's help. The drive
> just does not mount this way. I need to be able to use different mount
> points at different non-clashing times.

Here is an autofs configuration that should work in your situation
(assuming the variables you mentioned in your previous post).

Add to /etc/auto.master:

   /backup	/etc/auto.backup --timeout=10

In /etc/auto.backup, put:

  hardy-backups	-fstype=ntfs-3g :/dev/disk/by-label/hardy-backups

Then restart autofs and cd to /backup/hardy-backups.

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