[OT] Optus: Why does cutting a cable bring down the entire network?

Daniel Mons daniel.mons at iinet.net.au
Thu Jul 17 00:48:21 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Paul Gear wrote:
| http://whirlpool.net.au/news/?id=1802
| It was not a single failure - it was a dual failure.

Correct.  The backup link failed the night before, and then the main
link was cut the next day.

As far as I'm aware, there are no major fibre cable owners in Australia
that have more than two major links.  It was unfortunate for Optus that
both of theirs were cut at the same time.

Of course, there's much conjecture floating around on why the backup
wasn't fixed in a reasonable amount of time.  To be perfectly honest,
the truth will never be known.  But the fact remains that in IT and
communications, most people only ever cover for 1 disaster at a time
(think of everything from RAID disks and tape backup to redundant phone
and DSL lines).  Nobody plans for two or more disasters at the same time.

Whether they should or not is a totally different question, and often
boils down to financial cost versus probability - should Optus put in a
third line at great cost to their customers (who are the ones funding
the cable rollouts, after all) in the once-in-a-hundred-years chance
that both primary and secondary lines will be cut simultaneously?  Those
inconvenienced by the outage may say "yes", but I wonder if they would
also say "yes" to a 20% hike in fees to cover the cost?

Questions and events like these are why I don't work for ISPs, despite
the many job offers.

- -Dan
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