[OT]Re: Microsoft CDs

Null Ack nullack at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 14:11:33 BST 2008

Its not lunacy at all.

I do own a 360, but I consider the PC gaming experience to be superior
to a console. As well, there is many use cases of having cool uses for
linux gaming - such as on mobile media devices or mobile phones.

There is no technical reason why Linux gaming cant occur. Linux works
on many platforms and is open, so cool apps like say a linux phone
running GLTron or indeed an SLI powerhouse running the latest opengl
and openal FPS.

You will be surprised Daniel how often I see people saying they dont
run Linux because the gaming experience is poor.

Perhaps if you more carefully considered your position you would not
be so quick to dismiss it out of hand.

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