Local support

Leslie Gossner clownius at gossner.id.au
Thu Jan 24 16:44:10 GMT 2008

Tony Addis wrote:
> I am a wannabe new user based on the Gold Coast.  I have been using 
> Open Office, Firefox and Thunderbird on MS for some years and have 
> decided to migrate to Ubuntu.  I have loaded 7.10 (which looks 
> great) on my computer but need help on getting Internet access with my 
> D-Link ADSL router; also the bluetooth mouse and keyboard on my Dell 
> Inspiron 530n don't work.
> I am sure other issues will arise and it would be great to have some 
> local support rather than trawl through all the forums. I am also 
> hoping to introduce Ubuntu to the computer club in the retirement 
> village where I live.
>  What is available out there?
> Cheers,
> Tony
Tony speaking for much bad experience with D-link routers i may just 
have the solution.  For some odd reason D-links dislike *nix (anything 
of than MS).  The common problem i found is they do not pass on DNS 
information.  The quick solution is to set a static IP for your machine 
and use your ISP specified DNS servers in the network setup.  Its 
anoying in the extreme but its a problem ive run into helping others 
many times and the only way around it seems to be buying anything other 
than  D-Link or doing the manual setup i recommended.  If you need more 
help with this yell.

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