[Osia-discuss] If you could ask Microsoft a question...

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Mon Jan 14 02:27:19 GMT 2008

<quote who="Mark Phillips">

> On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 19:39 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Those who don't feel comfortable with it, and would prefer that we do
> > not engage at all, can find somewhere else to play with themselves
> > instead. :-)
> This comment is totally uncalled for! I find it offensive.

So I thought I was alluding to SLUGlets there, more than anything else. It
was not intended to offend.

> I too have serious doubts whether anything good will come out of this.

Maybe nothing useful will come of it. Maybe nothing wonderful will come of
it. Neither suggest that something bad will come of it. Seriously... We're
talking about a few MS people at a LUG meeting. This is not a make-or-break
situation here. Those who don't care for it don't have to come (and I say
that plainly, without any intended allusions, just in case anyone else was

> Less than 6 months ago I was involved in a conversation that had a view
> expressed that Microsoft hasn't a clue what Open Source is all about. Do
> you remember that conversation?  

Nup, but it sounds utterly plausible and realistic! ;-)

> I think we have more to lose than gain by this meeting and should focus
> our efforts elsewhere.

I've yet to be convinced that there's much of consequence to be lost, given
the venue and subject matter. It all sounds very Chicken Little to me. This
indicates not just an irrational approach to issues pertaining to Microsoft,
but a lack of trust in the people who lead and participate in LUGs.

> IF SLUG decides that Microsoft should be given a chance to express their
> opinions then I would also suggest think SLUG and OSIA should have a media
> blitz ready to be released as soon as the SLUG meeting closes portraying
> the positive Open Source side of this meeting. 

Again this idea that the only way we can engage with Microsoft is to act as
grubby as they do...

- Jeff

GNOME.conf.au 2008: Melbourne, Australia http://live.gnome.org/Melbourne2008
                     Cette menace est très sérieuse.

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