[Osia-discuss] If you could ask Microsoft a question...
Mark Phillips
mark.phillips at automatedtestsystems.com.au
Sun Jan 13 19:46:00 GMT 2008
On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 19:39 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Those who don't feel comfortable with it, and would prefer that we do not
> engage at all, can find somewhere else to play with themselves instead. :-)
This comment is totally uncalled for! I find it offensive. I stayed out
of the flame wars between you and Con (and each of your supporters) and
fully supported the change in language of engagement. Then you post a
statement like this. Smiley faces do not make this any less offensive.
I too have serious doubts whether anything good will come out of this.
Less than 6 months ago I was involved in a conversation that had a view
expressed that Microsoft hasn't a clue what Open Source is all about. Do
you remember that conversation?
I have watched Microsoft award prizes and sponsorships for events that I
am involved in and to me it looks like wedge politics more than
anything. I have finally managed to convince one organisation that
having Microsoft as a supporter, with their conditions, limits what we
can do. This was not an easy battle.
I do not trust Microsoft and I have not seen anything that suggests I
should. To think any amount of favourable opinion from one small local
section of Microsoft will offset even one throw away from Redmond, is
naive. I think we have more to lose than gain by this meeting and should
focus our efforts elsewhere.
IF SLUG decides that Microsoft should be given a chance to express their
opinions then I would also suggest think SLUG and OSIA should have a
media blitz ready to be released as soon as the SLUG meeting closes
portraying the positive Open Source side of this meeting.
Mark Phillips
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