[Linux-aus] If you could ask Microsoft a question, what would it be?

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Sun Jan 13 00:26:37 GMT 2008

On Sun, 13 Jan 2008, Steve Walsh <Steve at nerdvana.org.au> wrote:
> The same is occurring for LUV in February. Whilst I don't share the LUV
> President's belief that "..we've won, man, it's game over", I do think
> that it's interesting that they appear to have decided to hit two LUG's
> with rep's willing to receive both pointy and (hopefully not very many)
> pointless question within a short period of time.

This is no victory by any stretch of the imagination. At best, it's the 
beginning of a thawing of relations, but I'm even sceptical of that. That 
does not mean that we should not try. Openness is our strength - we should be 
leveraging that more.

Interesting (though not surprising) that LUV has been approached as well. Is 
there anything that SLUG and LUV can do to collaborate on this? LUV folk are 
free to post to and make use of our wiki page of questions: 

"We all suck."
  - Microsoft senior vice president Craig Mundie, September 2002
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