lynksys and netgear (was no subject)

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Sat Feb 23 23:31:43 GMT 2008

Hi Callan

On Saturday 23 February 2008 22:47:24 Callan at Home wrote:
> > The netgear is also a router but not wireless. Anyone got ideas as
> > to what I might try?
> Hi James,
> You should break the job into a few smaller jobs. First, turn off the
> Netcomm router. Then, get wireless working between Computer & Linksys.

Well it's a netgear  and netcomm ;). I've made that mistake before.

> Once that is done, the hard work is over. Then you just need to work out
> how you're going to do the Internet connection.

Alas the manual on cd is pretty much worthless (I see I forgot to put a 
subject line in)

> One golden rule that you should note, is that using two routers is a bad
> thing. You should think about changing to either :

I made an assumption when I bought the lynksys that it was both modem and 
router. That assumption turned out to be wrong :( It was going to replace the 
netgear originally.

> (a) Use Linksys as a router, with the Netcomm as just a 'dumb' modem (in
> Bridge mode)
> --or--
> (b) Use Linksys as a wireless access point only (no routing enabled),
> and use the Netcomm as a router.

Ah, b would allow to swap between wired and wireless networking then? I know 
my way the netgear fairly well so it's more likely. Either way I plan to 
replace the netgear as it periodically gives me some strange problems. Not to 
mention being able to access the net thru each connected computer but not the 
other computers on the network. That only happened recently that I lost the 
ability to network the pc's via the netgear and nothing seems to be able to 
get that back

> To help you decide (a) or (b), can you tell me why you have two
> different devices? Perhaps does your Internet Provider supply one, and
> you bought the other one yourself?

I'd go b for now probably if my assumption above was right. Actually a is prob 
better as the netear will get replaced regardless. Just found more info in my 
lynksys manual. It's not ordered very well. Each section is done in a nuber 
of languages one after the other, i.e. installation in english, german, and 
other languages, then onto the next step in english, german and other 
languages, etc. And of course no contents to help navigate. It's possible I 
might make heads of tails of the manual yet but help is still apreciated. So 
A is what I'll aim for as the netgear will be replaced by a simple dsl modem

Both are supplied by me. I've been using the netgear for some 2 years and 
recently it decided to loose the capacity to network my pcs. Each can still 
see the net, just not each other anymore

> Also does the Linksys offer a "access point only" mode?
> Cheers,
> Callan

Apparrently only options re wireless are g-mode, b-mode, or mixed, oh and 
disabled LOL


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