How to save a webpage as PDF? (where is it?)

Callan Jefferson Davies callan at
Sat Dec 20 05:47:59 GMT 2008

> (I have no printer.) The Print dialogue box shows 'Print to file', and I
> select the only option that's there, PDF, and click on "Print".
> I can't work out where the PDF file is (what folder) - gives no
> indication of where the resulting PDF will be found.

Hi Dave,

I can't speak for Hardy as I'm using Intrepid, but when I click "print
to file" and choose PDF, there is also the option for a filename and a

Failing that, I'd say look in your home folder then PDF.

I might suggest though that you add the PDF printer. I think you have to
install cups-pdf (sudo apt-get install cups-pdf), then go to System >>
Administration >> Printers, add printer, and you should see the PDF
printer there. It might even just show up by itself.

This "pdf printer" always seems to write to Home Folder then PDF. You
might need to create this 'PDF' folder for it to work properly.

Good luck!


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