Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" now shipping

peter baker jellyware at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 03:24:38 BST 2008

hey guys

I'm now shipping Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" via the "order cd's" tab of

I'm in process of getting this page changed to promote this (currently says
ver 7.10)

email me offlist if you're having hassles with this website.  its been a bit
flakey this morning.

Please note these cds will be homeburnt copies.  I hope to have the factory
shipped copies as soon as they are available, but it takes a while to get
them from the good folks at canonical.

if you're in melbourne and want to get your hands on the heron this weekend
email me offlist.  I will leave some copies in secret locations in the
city.  simply leave $1 where you find the disc.  its the great melbourne
heron hunt....


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