AAPT linux mirror?

Daniel Mons daniel.mons at iinet.net.au
Sat Apr 26 21:44:57 BST 2008

>>> does anyone know about a AAPT mirror for linux distros similar to the iinet one?	

If AAPT is part of PIPE networks, any of the PIPE mirrors will do.  eg:


Pacific Mirror:

etc.  But again for popular .iso downloads, I thoroughly recommend 
BitTorrent.  After all, it is designed from the ground up for 
network-aware, dynamic bandwidth swarm downloading.

> Ugh forgot to do reply all again.. 

I must say, that is very frustrating.

The mailing list is managed by the GNU Mailman software, and it is 
configurable to re-write the "reply-to" address to be that of the 
mailing list.  If the list maintainer is reading this, please consider 
doing so for the sanity of the list users.  I subscribe to a number of 
other mailmain-managed lists, and they all do this to make the users' 
lives easier.


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