
daniel.mons at daniel.mons at
Wed Apr 23 00:58:57 BST 2008

 On Wed Apr 23  0:07 , Lyneham Collins  sent:

>    Any guidance for someone kicking off would be appreciated.     Working remotely is of particular interest (Project Management, software and network support),

Where I currently work, I've just installed EPIWare for our developers:

It includes document management, time/resource/project management tools (Gantt Charting, etc), Calendaring and milstone management, task management, etc.

Being web-based, it is immediately accessible to anyone with an internet connection and access to the web, so it's very friendly to remote user, and is only dependent on a web browser - no client software is needed on the connecting user's machine, which is good for non-standard setups or even internet cafes and the like.  Even PDA and smartphone users are catered for.

My preference for groupware tools is always web-based.  While it certainly isn't a panacea, it does make dealing with "road warriors" far less of an issue, particularly when you can't control what software or hardware they will be using.


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