Miguel Loves OOXML!

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Tue Sep 11 09:27:01 BST 2007

<quote who="Tom Schinckel">

> http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/09/10/2343256.shtml
> Dunno if this is just ./ sillyness, but I think it's quite disturbing that
> a leading member of the FOSS community has come out in support of OOXML
> over ODF...

Miguel hasn't said a heck of a lot in support of OOXML as a standard, but
what is concerning about him having a positive point of view on it as a
technology? Jody Goldberg (who is no longer at Novell because he didn't
enjoy working on OpenOffice.org among other things), Gnumeric maintainer,
wrote about his perspective yesterday, which you should read:


I've heard very similar things from plenty of folks actually implementing
office and document processing applications (rather than the ones who are
whingeing about the technology without ever actually using it in anger).

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2008: Melbourne, Australia        http://lca2008.linux.org.au/
  "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am: Stuck in the
     middle with you." - Steeler's Wheel, Stuck in the Middle With You

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